Friday, April 06, 2012

Sunday, April 01, 2012

What is Neocalvinism?

The purpose of my blog is to workout ideas in my own thinking, I may from time to time post things to explain certain buzzwords you may see in my posts. Readers of my blog might be asking "What is Neocalvinism?" Well over at Vanguard Church there is a helpful article written on Neocalvinism. You'll find the link here. A couple of years back Time magazine published an article on the "New Calvinism." In this article, the author equated the term New Calvinism with Neo Calvinism. Once again Bob Robinson at Vanguard Church helps bring into focus the distinction between the two movements. You can find that article here.

Welcome (again, lol)

Over the past 6 years I have made various attempts at "blogging." I would be faithful at tending to my blog for a few weeks and then the business of work AND graduate school got in the way. Well, now that I am out of graduate school (finished Dec 2010) I now find I need this type of outlet and thus, starting up my blog again. It is my goal to post often enough to keep peoples interest in following while at the same time not posting just for postings sake. The postings are my own and not intended to be cited in professionally published works or works to be turned in for a grade (no matter how dazzling they may be, lol). I welcome all to post comments on my entries but be mindful of the rules posted.